Site icon The Sunny Side of Something

So We’re Really Doing This?!

Thank you so much for all the LOVE today!  Your notes of encouragement made me feel SO VERY HAPPY!  I’ve finally stopped sweating and my hives are going down from the nerves and excitement of hitting publish!  Although I’ve been “planning to start a blog” for quite some time, I didn’t wake up this morning with the idea that today would be the day.  And as I felt myself getting caught up in the “plan” and all the details to make it just right, I realized the intention of the blog was getting lost.  I was actually quite ready, and the only thing missing was content.  I figure having some viewers would put the pressure on…so here we are!

This blog is going to be a work in progress as I learn the ropes, experiment with different types of posts, and find my voice in this forum. For now, it’s about things that are important or relevant to me in my life.  Sometimes it’s all business: serious stuff to reflect upon, and sometimes it’s just funny AND weird.  Let’s stick with funny and weird while we’re in the getting-to-know-one-another phase!  I hope to engage your curiosity, make you laugh, make you think. I encourage you to interact, share your ideas, and provide feedback!  Thank you for being here!

Much Love,


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