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Ten Things I’m Loving Right Now

ONE. The crisp weather. I wasn’t ready for sudden fall, but I’m digging the vibe. Perfect for walks, a fire pit, cozy sweaters. It’s kind of nice to go through the day without a thick sheen of sweat on my face. I’ve even started to wear makeup again. So grown up, right?!

TWO. My jeans. I’m not trying to sell you anything. I’ve put on a few pounds this summer and my jeans. were. tight. I dug through my ‘big girl pants’ to put comfort over fashion and was delighted to find these.

THREE. Instagram stories. I love watching and making IG stories. It’s quick, easy, and in the moment–and boom, they disappear in 24 hours. Time to make more! I get such a kick out of putting music to videos of food, my dog, my kids. It’s like a quick, warped peek inside my brain, and the tickets to the show are free, and there’s a showing every day.

FOUR. My kids. They are both in a really good place right now, and pretty fun to be around. I’m savoring this feeling. Homework and sports schedules will rev up soon– and you know how that goes…


FIVE. Frankie & Grace via Netflix. Two of my friends have been raving about it for forever–and now I’m hooked. The dynamic between Frankie and Grace is endearing, funny, and reminiscent of a few friendships that I hold close to my heart.

SIX. Red Wine. With the crisp air, I’ve made the transition from white to red. I’m a Cabernet all the way kind of girl. Just think- I’ve had too much, call me a cab! (I digress)

SEVEN. My yard. A few minor additions this year have brought me great joy. A simple corn hole set brings a little fun while the grill or fire pit is warming up. Also- Brian made me a new outdoor dining table with recycled wood from our friends’ old fence. It’s rustic and perfect. We hosted a kid-free dinner party under twinkle lights in the garden this weekend and it was a highlight of my summer– surrounded by food, flowers and vegetables, great friends, and love all around. I even ironed napkins for it!
Photo credit and dinner guest: Amanda Ambrose Photography.


EIGHT. Plum Island. It’s always been a special place, but I’m noticing new things to love every day. Gardens, doorways, the tide at different phases. The beach never stays the same.


NINE. Tea. I’m usually a coffee girl, but these days I’m loving afternoon tea. Earl Grey or Black Tea with a smidge of sugar.

TEN. Garlic. If you ever fear that vampires are coming for you, stick with me! Smashed crispy garlic is the key to amazingness in almost everything I make. I also believe it’s the key to a long, healthy life. That and red wine. And friends. And tea and coffee. And croutons. And laughing. But lots and lots of garlic.

Sometimes, it’s the simple things that make life sparkle. It’s always good to appreciate what makes you happy, big or small. What are some things you’re digging these days?

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